Tuesday 13 November 2012

Professional Coaching in Dubai UAE

Introduction to Coaching

No matter whom we are or at what point we are in our lives most of us have a desire to move forward or to progress in some way. This is a very natural occurrence for human beings as we are an evolving species designed to adapt and change which is inherent to the human condition. On an individual basis we apply this change and adaptation through an innate need to grow and progress.

This occurs on a surface level massively different from one person to the next; for example, someone may want to be a successful managing director, a better parent, wealthier, more giving, better at sports, better at their relationship and the list is endless. These are all expressions of growth and progression in people’s lives and when we articulate them, they present themselves as goals. People have the goal of being better at business, their relationship, sports, career, parenting; and goals are shared by almost everyone.

Given that the human condition has an inherent desire for growth and progression it therefore has a deep set need to satisfy this desire. Successfully meeting this desire can often dictate the level of happiness and well-being we have in our lives. If you have ever come across the wheel of life, Anthony Robbins’ psychology of human needs or Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, you will understand that growth and progression in our lives is a key ingredient. It is because of this coaching is so important.

Why is Coaching So Important?

We live in a world where our education system focuses on academia rather than life skills. Whilst academia is very important and serves us well, it lacks education on the human condition and the universal experiences we as individuals go through, be it alone or with others. Furthermore, when we live in a culture of excessive media that presupposes that we are not enough within ourselves and that we require a superficial product in order to feel good about ourselves has been detrimental to society. If you want the proof consider the increase in self image disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and body dimorphic disorder.
Human beings are highly resourceful, adaptable and resilient beings and their greatest strength is creativity and imagination. The latter are two attributes that are not cultivated enough in our society and with the increase of internet usage, TV watching, drinking and uninspiring work and personal life, these core attributes are deteriorating.

Is it any wonder that an artist, musician, chef, entrepreneur or philanthropist have a much higher level of satisfaction, happiness, passion and love in their life? It is no coincidence at all; they all share the attributes of creativity and imagination in what they do. They move themselves from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ by creating a result using their imagination. These are the skills that need to be cultivated, these are the qualities that should be prominent in our lives and this is what coaching achieves.
Coaching utilizes the resources found within ourselves through our own creativity and imagination to assist us in moving forward, growing and progressing in our lives. The process of being coached is an education within itself a byproduct of which is self discovery and the benefit is success through goal attainment.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is the facilitation of goal attainment! Word for word this is the most precise and succinct definition of what coaching is. It is the process by which a professional coach guides without giving the answers to the client. Instead a series of linguistic techniques are used in the form of questioning that focuses on different areas of their situation. As a result changes in perspective can occur through which internal shifts and changes happen.

The coach may also challenge the client by questioning particular statements they have made that include deletions, distortions and generalizations. This is very effective in assisting the client to dismantle some the beliefs or assumptions about themselves or the situation that have been no longer working for them or holding them back.

Often stress and unhappiness can occur through a perceived lack of coping mechanisms to the situation. The a process of reframing whereby information given by the client is re-iterated by the coach with contextual or content variations create perceptual changes towards the information that can alter the way the client understands and thinks about it. The result can be changes in emotion and attitude towards the situation that are very positive.

Furthermore, the cultivation of strategy through guided discussion allows the client to create steps forward in achieving their goal. A good coach will always play to the clients’ strengths so that they utilize their internal resources.

The coach acts very much like a blank canvas and providing the paints (tools and techniques) through which the client can project onto and cultivate their own meaningful solutions. The reason for this is so that the client remains the artist of their destiny and goal attainment which means they take ownership of their results with professional support. By applying such autonomy to the situation the risk of relapse is massively reduced the client is empowered to achieve and grow by using their own internal resources.

How Does Coaching Work?

Whilst coaching is a structured process, that process will change for each person. Whilst we share common attributes of the human condition our personalities and situations are unique. Therefore, effective coaching will be tailored to each individual client to ensure the best results.

Some people may receive a set amount of coaching sessions whilst others receive ongoing coaching and the length of time you attend coaching sessions for will depend upon you and your circumstances. In any case, several sessions would be required as a single session does not hold the same impact as a series of sessions attended consecutively. Think of it as the gym for the mind; if you go to the gym once you will get results, however, if you go several times over a period of a few months the results will be massively increased. And just as you would learn the tools, techniques and methods from a personal trainer, after a while you will be able to use what you have learnt by yourself.

Good coaching companies will offer a form of free consultation in which you can present your situation and also ask the coach questions. This is also an opportunity for the coach to get better acquainted with you so that they can better understand whether coaching would be right for you and how it can assist you in your situation.

What If I Want Coaching?

Coaching is a powerful tool and can benefit most people whatever situation or stage they are in life. If you are the kind of person willing to put in the effort to grow progress and achieve your goals then finding a coach is just right for you!

At Designed in Mind we have a team of professional qualified coaches that have outstanding experience, each of whom have been handpicked for being exceptional at coaching. Contact us now for a free consultation and discover the benefits of coaching for yourself.

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Written by Farhan Bhatti  – Managing Director at Designed in Mind

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