The question ‘can men and women ever
really be friends?’ is one that has been present, particularly in modern
society. The relationship between feminine and masculine energy is the
most compelling, seductive, powerful and dynamic ones there can be. A
feminine woman is everything a masculine man can never be, think or do;
just as masculine man is everything a feminine woman can never, be,
think or do.
When masculine and feminine energy
combine they set each other free of their own constraints and this is
perhaps one of the most magnificent experiences in life and largely the
reason why we often say that we ‘feel complete’ with a particular person
of the opposite sex.
On a biological level, men and women
are hardwired to procreate with each other and we have not evolved out
of this yet, and that will not happen anytime soon. However, no matter
how innate this design is, it does not always serve well in todays’
modern society.
Nevertheless, we do form friendships
with members of the opposite sex and these can be some of the most
rewarding and enjoyable friendships we have as we get something out of
it that we simply do not get from same sex friendships. In regards to
the kind of friendship between a woman and a man in which the man finds a
girlfriend and thus diverts his attention and energies accordingly,
there is a healthy amount of feeling left out or missing the person. It
is the extent to which you experience these feeling and what is really
sponsoring and motivating them.
The best way to understand whether you
are these feelings are a healthy balance is to imagine that it was a
good female friend who had perhaps got married. Of course you would miss
them and feel strongly for them and underneath it all you would be very
happy for them. In essence, if the feelings with the man are truly
platonic it should make no difference that it is a male friend as a
healthy balanced person should be able to handle and appreciate the
situation just as she would if it were one her female friends.
Feelings that unnecessarily strong in
this situation will most likely indicate that the friendship extends
beyond that of a healthy platonic one. This can be cause by one of two
things; either the feelings of desertion come from not having many close
friends and losing one’s attention has a massive impact or you actually
have feeling for your male friends as they may be meeting a need for
you that you are not getting elsewhere.
Sometimes, secretly when we have
feelings for someone along with our own insecurities and issues we find
it easier to have that person in our life by keeping them at arm’s
length. Moreover, when we have a friendship with a member of the
opposite sex and the relationship through shared experience as well as
sharing of ourselves through conversations etc., feelings can form this
way as well. In such a case we can also create a fear of ‘rocking the
boat’ in the friendship by acting on these feelings, which become
amplified when we seem to be losing that person to someone else.
In either, we are not being true to
ourselves and therefore whatever actions take place there will be
unresolved and negative emotions that will be experienced. They say ‘we
regret the things that we don’t do’ and as quality relationships of any
kind are built on honest and effective communication, this is no
Therefore, by being first honest with
yourself about how you really feel and having an honest two way
communication with your male friend in a tactful and genuine way will
allow you to reveal the right course of action and to find some balance
and peace in your experience. This may sound very simple, and it is;
however, our emotions when heightened tend to cloud our judgment.
Furthermore, we tend to act on emotions a lot more than logic, this
means we may have tendency to avoid such a communication in order to
spare our feelings or for fear of losing the quality or disrupting of
relationship with our friend. This doesn’t tend to work in the long run
as it is naïve way of attempting to experience less pain in the moment
and we suffer more in the long run when we are not true to ourselves.
You may have to consider it like taking a band aid off quickly, it may
feel uncomfortable in the moment but you feel a lot better, a lot longer
and a lot sooner if you face and deal with it directly.
If you are experiencing feelings of
desertion or loneliness these should be acknowledged as messages to you
about you and nothing more if you want to use your emotions
constructively in this instance. They say that ‘emotions are the
language of the soul’ and perhaps they are. Our emotions will never lie
to us as they simply cannot and it would serve no purpose for that to
happen. Our own emotions can act as one of the greatest forms of
personal feedback if we truly pay attention to them and treat them with
the informative quality that they possess.
When feelings of desertion or
loneliness or any other undesired emotion occur it is a message to us
that something that we consider import and valuable is missing in our
life, not be acknowledged or not being fulfilled. This is an opportunity
to apply the emotional intelligence and maturity to step outside of
ourselves and consider: what is that is so valuable to me that I would
feel this way when it is gone? What is it, that when in my life, will
create the happiness and joy that has been created with my friendship
with this man?
When you discover the answer to these
questions, you create a greater path to an even deeper level of
happiness. You may discover that you require another male friend that
shares similar interests to you or you could discover that you actually
do want a relationship and that you friend has shown some of the
important qualities that you require to have a happy successful
relationship. In any case, we should use our experience as feedback to
introspect and discover more about what is important and valuable to us.
It will not serve any purpose to get
stuck with these feelings without addressing them and to hold them in
anyway against our male friend. Certainly a word of caution would be not
to enter into any form of shallow attention seeking or game playing. By
the very nature of games, someone has to lose. And in the act of
undertaking such game playing a certain degree of shallow behaviours
would have to be entertained and if the neither the male friend nor his
new partner are the type to entertain such behaviours, it will most
likely backfire and run the risk of ruining any kind of quality
friendship there can be. Having some self-awareness and asking ‘am I
being emotionally mature about this? And what would I want from my male
friend if I had found a partner?’ will serve self-guidance in how to
By doing this you can gain support from
the couple as well gaining another friend. They will even help along
your path to finding what makes you happy when you are supportive of
them. with this in mind, appropriate boundaries should be kept with them
as with any couple and also when the relationship is new there will
inevitably be a honeymoon period in which the couple will need their own
space to form and develop their relationship.
Being a supportive friend and using
your emotions as feedback will serve you in the long run. And assuming
the girlfriend is a balanced person there are opportunities for everyone
to achieve greater happiness. As their relationship progresses the male
friend will most likely appreciate the influence of another feminine
energy and would be useful for him to have another woman to talk about
things with as well. His girlfriend will most likely enjoy spending time
with other women as well as this will add variety to their lives and
relationship and allows you to support the couple and add value to their
As for the issue of creating
competition with the other women, as long as your communications with
her are supportive and she is balanced and receptive it should be taken
in the right nature. If it is not, then it could very well be the
insecurity of the girlfriend, which is a separate issue that she will
have to resolve for herself. No relationships always run smoothly and
having a mutual friend that they trust can be of great benefit to both
In order to establish this kind of
friendship with the girlfriend it is a lot easier to do so if meeting in
social situations where there are more people. Because the girlfriend
may not know you that well or at all, by meeting initially in group
settings it will take some of the intensity of focus off the
relationship between you and your male friend. It also allows for
opportunities to demonstrate to the girlfriend that what you have is a
healthy friendship with her boyfriend in a more neutral setting. This
can be achieved by being equally social with both parties as well as
others; this will demonstrate that you are sociable person who enjoys
the company of others, not just of her boyfriend. Furthermore, whilst
you may have a very close friendship to the male, doing things such as
touching a lot and remaining in each other’s personal space,
particularly for extended periods of time, can give the wrong
impression. This doesn’t mean stop doing it altogether, simply create
boundaries so that you can establish a foundation of trust and respect
with the girlfriend.
Another thing that can be done is that
when you speak with the girlfriend you share of your own self and your
life outside of your friendship with her boyfriend e.g., connect on your
on shared interests with her such as hobbies and music. Also, women
when in good rapport with each other will tend to help the other one;
this can be an opportunity to get her on board to perhaps assist you in
finding your own partner. Doing this is a double edge sword; firstly,
you have elevated and empowered the girlfriend into a position of
helping you, which is in effect a very powerful compliment. Secondly,
you get assistance in getting more value in your own life. In doing this
in a sincere way a relatively deep level of bonding would have to
In conclusion, use your emotions as
messages here to discover more about what you really want in your own
life. Secondly, reverse the situation in your mind and think how you
would want your male friend to behave you had found a partner. This will
get you into a better frame of thinking that will allow you to make
better decision for you and to take a better course of action.
Introduction to Coaching
No matter whom we are or at what point
we are in our lives most of us have a desire to move forward or to
progress in some way. This is a very natural occurrence for human beings
as we are an evolving species designed to adapt and change which is
inherent to the human condition. On an individual basis we apply this
change and adaptation through an innate need to grow and progress.
This occurs on a surface level
massively different from one person to the next; for example, someone
may want to be a successful managing director, a better parent,
wealthier, more giving, better at sports, better at their relationship
and the list is endless. These are all expressions of growth and
progression in people’s lives and when we articulate them, they present
themselves as goals. People have the goal of being better at business,
their relationship, sports, career, parenting; and goals are shared by
almost everyone.
Given that the human condition has an
inherent desire for growth and progression it therefore has a deep set
need to satisfy this desire. Successfully meeting this desire can often
dictate the level of happiness and well-being we have in our lives. If
you have ever come across the wheel of life, Anthony Robbins’ psychology
of human needs or Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, you will understand that
growth and progression in our lives is a key ingredient. It is because
of this coaching is so important.
Why is Coaching So Important?
We live in a world where our education
system focuses on academia rather than life skills. Whilst academia is
very important and serves us well, it lacks education on the human
condition and the universal experiences we as individuals go through, be
it alone or with others. Furthermore, when we live in a culture of
excessive media that presupposes that we are not enough within ourselves
and that we require a superficial product in order to feel good about
ourselves has been detrimental to society. If you want the proof
consider the increase in self image disorders such as anorexia, bulimia
and body dimorphic disorder.
Human beings are highly resourceful,
adaptable and resilient beings and their greatest strength is creativity
and imagination. The latter are two attributes that are not cultivated
enough in our society and with the increase of internet usage, TV
watching, drinking and uninspiring work and personal life, these core
attributes are deteriorating.
Is it any wonder that an artist,
musician, chef, entrepreneur or philanthropist have a much higher level
of satisfaction, happiness, passion and love in their life? It is no
coincidence at all; they all share the attributes of creativity and
imagination in what they do. They move themselves from point ‘A’ to
point ‘B’ by creating a result using their imagination. These are the
skills that need to be cultivated, these are the qualities that should
be prominent in our lives and this is what coaching achieves.
Coaching utilizes the resources found
within ourselves through our own creativity and imagination to assist us
in moving forward, growing and progressing in our lives. The process of
being coached is an education within itself a byproduct of which is
self discovery and the benefit is success through goal attainment.
What is Coaching?
Coaching is the facilitation of goal
attainment! Word for word this is the most precise and succinct
definition of what coaching is. It is the process by which a
professional coach guides without giving the answers to the client.
Instead a series of linguistic techniques are used in the form of
questioning that focuses on different areas of their situation. As a
result changes in perspective can occur through which internal shifts
and changes happen.
The coach may also challenge the client
by questioning particular statements they have made that include
deletions, distortions and generalizations. This is very effective in
assisting the client to dismantle some the beliefs or assumptions about
themselves or the situation that have been no longer working for them or
holding them back.
Often stress and unhappiness can occur
through a perceived lack of coping mechanisms to the situation. The a
process of reframing whereby information given by the client is
re-iterated by the coach with contextual or content variations create
perceptual changes towards the information that can alter the way the
client understands and thinks about it. The result can be changes in
emotion and attitude towards the situation that are very positive.
Furthermore, the cultivation of
strategy through guided discussion allows the client to create steps
forward in achieving their goal. A good coach will always play to the
clients’ strengths so that they utilize their internal resources.
The coach acts very much like a blank
canvas and providing the paints (tools and techniques) through which the
client can project onto and cultivate their own meaningful solutions.
The reason for this is so that the client remains the artist of their
destiny and goal attainment which means they take ownership of their
results with professional support. By applying such autonomy to the
situation the risk of relapse is massively reduced the client is
empowered to achieve and grow by using their own internal resources.
How Does Coaching Work?
Whilst coaching is a structured
process, that process will change for each person. Whilst we share
common attributes of the human condition our personalities and
situations are unique. Therefore, effective coaching will be tailored to
each individual client to ensure the best results.
Some people may receive a set amount of
coaching sessions whilst others receive ongoing coaching and the length
of time you attend coaching sessions for will depend upon you and your
circumstances. In any case, several sessions would be required as a
single session does not hold the same impact as a series of sessions
attended consecutively. Think of it as the gym for the mind; if you go
to the gym once you will get results, however, if you go several times
over a period of a few months the results will be massively increased.
And just as you would learn the tools, techniques and methods from a
personal trainer, after a while you will be able to use what you have
learnt by yourself.
Good coaching companies will offer a
form of free consultation in which you can present your situation and
also ask the coach questions. This is also an opportunity for the coach
to get better acquainted with you so that they can better understand
whether coaching would be right for you and how it can assist you in
your situation.
What If I Want Coaching?
Coaching is a powerful tool and can
benefit most people whatever situation or stage they are in life. If you
are the kind of person willing to put in the effort to grow progress
and achieve your goals then finding a coach is just right for you!
At Designed in Mind
we have a team of professional qualified coaches that have outstanding
experience, each of whom have been handpicked for being exceptional at
coaching. Contact us now for a free consultation and discover the
benefits of coaching for yourself.
Find the original article Coaching
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Learn more about coaching here
Contact us directly here
Written by Farhan Bhatti – Managing Director at Designed in Mind
Our lives are the one true story we
have to experience and what that means and what that entails can be so
different from one person to the next. Whether it is the story of our
lives, the story in a book, a song or in a film, they all share a
common trait, creativity. Life is a medium just like the canvas is to
the painter or the instrument is to a musician. We are the artist and
life is to be created and fashioned into our greatest masterpiece!
They say that God made us in his own
image and one thing is for sure, that we are the creators of our own
worlds, our own experience. Perhaps, we should stop asking the age old
question, what is the meaning of life? But rather, ask ourselves, what
meaning do I choose to give to this life? Finding your purpose is the
most powerful and enlightening experiences you can have, however,
creating and manifesting the expressions of your purpose in your life
is where you find all the gifts. I am reminded of a beautiful quote by
Tony Robbins ‘’the goal is your destination but the journey is your
When I arrived in Dubai I was on the
tail end of a very dark time in my life, I had come out of a very
intense relationship, I had working for company that was going bankrupt
and essentially had nothing left emotionally, materialistically and
even spiritually. Interestingly, just before that I had been doing very
well in my life, having left university I had a good job in the city
where I made more money than most people my age, I had a great
apartment, I went to the nicest venues in London and had a good
friends. Nevertheless, I was unable to fully appreciate all these
things as there was still a void within me that I didn’t fully
understand or consciously rationalize. In hind sight, I believe that is
why I unconsciously began to sabotage my own success. I began to take
irrational risks, starting locking myself away from people and fell
into a depression. Along the way, meeting the woman that I would fall
in love with created a giant peak in this otherwise perpetually
self-destructive trough. In the end I would leave her because I
couldn’t hold my own life together, this was by far of the most painful
things that I ever did and was the salt on what could only be
described as a wound of a life that I was then living. I can still feel
that day as write this was to be, although I did not know it then, the
beginning of the end of that phase of my life which was to lead to
massive shifts and changes.
The 2 months leading up to me coming to
Dubai seemed to be as though the universe was unraveling a the
beginnings of my path for me. I had been applying for jobs and there
was one company that had invited me for an interview. I had actually
turned down the interview as I didn’t think the company was really
right for me; nevertheless, they called me up and convinced me to come
in the next week and were quite persuasive on the phone and said they
would fast track me through their process. I went out of curiosity and
listened as they explained if I work to work for them that I would have
to choose from various places around the globe to work. They mentioned
places such as Mexico, Moscow, Egypt and eventually said Dubai. For
some reason that got the cogs inside my mind turning as I had no
intention of moving abroad for work; however, I was familiar with
Dubai, had been there several times and thought to myself this could be
an interesting opportunity. After all, at this point I really had
nothing to lose and whilst I had not been offered the job yet I thought
that I might as well see where this goes. Shortly after, I received a
telephone interview from their Middle East director and was eventually
told that I had the position.
I had nothing to lose but I had nothing
to use either, or so I thought. With what little money and time I had I
decided to get any shifts at bars or pubs that I could, I put
everything I could possibly sell on the internet. The included my
treasured guitar and equipment, that was something I thought I would
never sell! Even during this process I received a check in the mail
that I was not expecting for a significant amount of money from a
residual commission from my last company. Somehow all the pieces were
falling into place very rapidly as though the universe intended for me
to go to Dubai.
When I arrived in Dubai I very quickly
got started in my new job and realized even more quickly that it was
not the right company for me to be in and not the kind of people I
wanted to be around. Whilst I enjoyed being in Dubai the job felt
meaningless and soulless to me and that wasn’t good for my state of
mind. I was searching for something that would take me to the next
level in my life and would take me out of what was feeling like a
circular rut.
I studied psychology for many years and had become interested in NLP some time ago. Very early on in Dubai I began searching for companies to do an NLP
course with and had found one in particular that stood out to me.
Despite having done this, I put my interest on attending the course on
the back burner for a while and continued working in the financial
industry. When I think about it’s almost crazy to continue doing
something where you don’t feel like you belong and your heart is not in
too it.
Gradually, I started to entertain the
idea of doing some coaching and counseling in Dubai and began to talk
to people about it. In the end, a friend of mine said to me ‘‘just go
for!’’, so I did! Advice, not unlike that of the Nike slogan, ‘‘Just Do
It’’, and perhaps the three most useful, powerful and profound words
that could ever be said to someone. As soon as I shifted to this
mindset, things started to change; useful people even began to appear
in my life. And for a few years thought of creating a coaching and
counseling company, and it made sense since my entire academic history
was geared towards it. Little did I know I had begun to utilize the
‘Act As If’ frame from NLP.
I had moved into a better role in
digital media and was doing my coaching and counseling on the side.
Things were starting to change for me, yet the path was still unclear.
The first thing I did when I went into this role was book myself onto
the NLP
Practitioner course! This was a subject I had been interested on for
so long and I was finally getting to do it. I had that feeling of
knowing this is the right thing for you to be doing.
I had done my research on the NLP
industry in the Middle East and what I do have to point out is that I
gave Matrix a call and Carol Talbot called me back personally. More
importantly, we had a long conversation where we talked about all
aspects of the course and the ways in which it useful. I have a
background in psychology and had been around a lot of NLP
trainers and practitioners in the past, and if I am totally honest I
was a little jaded by the industry in the UK. However, the way Carol
answered my question was with style and substance. From speaking to her
on the phone I knew she was an expert! And most importantly without
having to say she was great at what she does, it came across in the way
that she composes herself and communicated with others. So that was it
for me, I was set on attending this course.
During the interim, things were getting
tougher at work and I was learning a lot of lessons in how to deal
with difficult people. There was even a point where I had become so
upset with the situation that I was almost going to postpone attending
the NLP
course. When I look back on that I can’t believe I could even
entertain such an idea, and I am so glad that I did not follow through
on such thoughts.
I remember the feeling I got on the
first morning that I attended the course, I had that feeling when you
know you are doing something just right for you. I was really curious
as to who else would be on the course and what kinds of people I would
meet. It was a child like curiousity and best of all it was a great
group of people that were on the course at that time. I still think it
was the best NLP practitioner group; however, I am openly biased about that.
What amazed me about attending the
course was how quickly and immediately shifts and changes tool place,
not only in the training room but also in my personal and professional
life. Whilst I was having difficulties at work, the state and resources
that I was empowered with during the course allowed me to start
managing my manager and dealing more effectively with that
relationship. At this point I also had a set of regular clients I would
see in my coaching and counseling company, and within days I was using
the tools and techniques with them during the sessions. It was blowing
my mind the results that were being achieved and the people I was
connecting to during the whole experience.
I believe that it was attending this
course that supercharged me a long my career path, giving me the tools
and resources; mental, emotional and otherwise that have accelerated my
on my path. By now I was 100% set on developing me in the field of
psychology, particularly NLP and using my company as through which I would do it. These were exciting times and were still not without their challenges.
Things were getting tougher at work and
I was not longer seeing eye-to-eye with the company and this resulted
in us having to part ways. The whole process was quite emotionally
draining; however, I could see my goals much more clearly and
understood the direction I needed to go in in order to achieve it.
Leaving the company was a blessing in disguise when I look back because
I was given the opportunity to attend the NLP
master practitioner program which was going to take me to a whole new
level. When I was studying the material for the course, I remember
thing, ‘this exactly what I needed to learn’. Also, given the success
of the practitioner course, I couldn’t wait to apply the new learning
that I was developing here. Furthermore, I would get to both deliver
and experience a breakthrough at the end of the program. It was during
this process that both Wendy and Carol really shined because even
whilst I was open to the experience I was still a little complacent as
to the extent to which it would work on me. Now I know how powerful the
process is and most importantly, these insights I gained as to how I
was really treating myself are still useful to me even to this day. I
was never one to very readily share deep emotions with others,
particularly, if they were seemingly negative one. That’s why it is a
testament to the quality of the instructors to create such a safe and
sincere environment that invites real change and growth to occur.
Having completed the program I felt
that I had already accomplished something great in my life and that I
was taking significant steps to where I wanted to be in my life. The
journey was still not over though and some of the biggest steps were to
come. I had dreamed of becoming an NLP
trainer for a long time and didn’t foresee it happening anytime soon.
As it happened the first Trainers Training was being held by Matrix and
I was invited to attend. I was still out of work which created an
interesting predicament; I now had the time to attend such an extensive
course but did not have the finances to hand. Nevertheless, if I had
learnt anything from the course is that I am my own resource and that
it was up to me to create the results I wanted. The idea of attending
the program was so exciting and inspiring I remember saying to Wendy on
the phone ‘I will bend reality if I have to’, in order to attend.
Coupled, with the amount of effort the Matrix team had put into me I
felt it was my duty to succeed and what a beautiful obligation to have!
It’s amazing, when you really want
something so badly that your mind begins to work so differently. I
thought of every possible avenue through which I could raise the
finances to follow my dream and more importantly followed up on each of
those avenues. This was a real belief shift for me because I did
succeed at doing it. In the end only three of the many ideas I had paid
off and that was enough to get on to the program. This experience
stays with me to this day and it is proof to me that when you want to
create or do something in your life and there doesn’t appear to be the
resources or circumstances you require, it is still possible if you
make it happen! When I think of this time, I realize truly that there
are no excuses and that the most powerful resource we have is our
The Trainers Training was the most
intense training I ever went through, and again opened me up to new
ways of thinking. This was the tipping point that was to send me into
the training industry, which is a significant potion now of what I am
building my career on. Had you asked me 6 months before if I would have
been an NLP
trainer so soon, I probably wouldn’t have been able to conceive of the
idea. Since then I have had opportunities to travel for work abroad,
trained a 5 star hotel, delivered for government organizations, coached
on NLP programs and built up my own business even more!
The best thing is that my journey
always feels as if it’s in its infancy and that there is so much to
create and do still. Whilst this is a small portion of my journey, what
I have learnt that that circumstances are a reflection of state of
mind. There were many challenges along the way and many difficult
people I had to deal with. There were also just as many opportunities
along the way and many wonderful people I got to connect with. If I had
accepted any of my obstacles as failures then I would have been
defeated, instead I choose to see them as blessings in disguise. If I
hadn’t left my first job after university, I would never have fallen in
love; if I hadn’t fallen in love, I wouldn’t have realize what was
important to me in life and shifted my values accordingly. If I hadn’t
left my ex-girlfriend I would ended up settling into a job that I
didn’t want, instead I would have settled for a mediocre job and would
have created a mediocre life. If hadn’t gone to the interview with the
financial company I wouldn’t have come to Dubai. If I hadn’t got the
job with the media company I wouldn’t have attended the NLP Practitioner course. And if I hadn’t parted ways with the company I would have had the time to attend the NLP
Master Practitioner Course and Trainers Training. Also, I wouldn’t
have the opportunity to discover and put to the test how opportunities
and resources can be created. If I hadn’t attended the Trainers
Training, I wouldn’t currently be working in the training industry now
and wouldn’t be traveling the world do the things that I love. Most
importantly and special to me, if I hadn’t embarked on my NLP
journey I wouldn’t have met so many wonderful people who have taught
me, inspired me and quite simply make my life better for knowing them.
I have become no stranger to life
throwing curve balls at me and now I have the experience, tools and
resources to use these curve balls and challenges as opportunities to
create bigger and better things in my life. Life has given me such an
eclectic mix of experiences and from that I could have made an infinite
number of choices. What it proves is that we focus on, what we think
day-to-day, how we translate that into our behaviors is how we get our
results. Looking back it feels like I could have accepted defeat at any
moment along the way and blame the world, people or circumstances for
what didn’t go my way.
has taught me that we are responsible for our results as there is only
one person we can truly influence in our lives and that is our self. NLP
enlightened me as to how to focus my mind and energy in effective ways
so that I am the one who defines my experience. We all have more than
one story that we could tell ourselves about how our life is; however,
what we choose to tell ourselves is precisely that! A choice! What NLP
has given me is the power to choose more effectively and the tools to
be more creative in my life. This is the recipe for getting results!
One of coaches in Matrix, Zee, said to me ‘whether you get results or
make excuses, you’ll always be right!’ So, now I choose to focus on
getting the results I want and utilizing whatever life send my way.
Also, I would like to give special
mention to the Matrix team who have become very dear friends to me and
assisted my in ways throughout my journey that have been truly
inspirational. They are not only experts at what they do, they are
gifted and talented!!! Trainers and coaches of this caliber only exist
when they come from the heart, are sincere and have a genuine passion
for what they do! I can say as a matter of fact my life would not be at
all the same or half as good without them and for that I will be
forever grateful!! So, to my dear friends Carol Talbot, Wendy Shaw and
Zee Gilmore! THANK YOU!!!
Well, this is portion of my story so
far and who knows what’s next or round the corner! One thing I do know
is that I have the tools, resources and most importantly, the
inspiration to embrace it with love and happiness. This is what NLP has brought into my life!!!